Measurement of E-Learning Readiness Level Case study at Accounting Department Politeknik Negeri Padang
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During the pandemic, the government closed schools and colleges to avoid massive spreading of the covid-19 virus among students. E-learning has become a requirement for education institutions to support their learning activities, as well as Politeknik Negeri Padang. To be successful, the institution requires a strong strategy and adequate resources when adopting e-learning system. It is important to measure the level of e-learning readiness for avoiding the failure of e-learning implementation. In this study, we examined the level of e-learning readiness of Accounting Department lecturers of Politeknik Negeri Padang. We used six factors to measure e-learning readiness developed by Fariani (2013)and assessed the result of e-learning readiness by Aydin and Tasci index (2005). The data were obtained from questionnaires based on the factor of human resource, technology, content, financial, infrastructure, and organization using five Likert's scale. The result showed that financial factor was not ready, and needed some of work. In general, the Accounting Department teachers were ready to implement the e-learning during this pandemic, but they still need to improve in terms of people, technology, content, infrastructure and organization.
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