Does Lecturer’s Generated Learning Video Matter? A Study of Student Motivation and Engagement in Accounting Class

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Zalida Afni
Anda Dwi Haryadi


This study identify whether learning videos have a benefits for students. We also identify whether learning video generated by lecturer is more effective than the video generated by others. We focus on online learning. We collected primary data from students who have study auditing class. Applying quantative descriptive method, we find that students need learning video eventhough they have got the same lessons before. The content that is accordance with lesson plan, exam and easier to understand, motivate students to view learning video generated by lecturer. Since students have high degree of comfort with you tube, depend on their own schedule, feel comfortable with the video, trigger students to be engage in learning process. In general, learning video, particularly generated by lecturer provide benefits for students.  


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How to Cite
Afni, Z., & Dwi Haryadi, A. (2022). Does Lecturer’s Generated Learning Video Matter? A Study of Student Motivation and Engagement in Accounting Class. Rafgo, 1(2), 6–11. Retrieved from


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