Analysis of E-Commerce Uses, Profit Expectations, and Understanding Accounting Information Systems in Boosting Entrepreneurial Interests Student Case Study of the Faculty of Accounting, Politeknik Negeri Padang
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E-commerce can be used in various financial transactions, and e-commerce provides business opportunities for students interested in entrepreneurship. The profit that will be received in entrepreneurship is the attraction that can encourage a person to entrepreneurize, so the expectation of profit that will be accepted in entrepreneurship is one of the determinants of someone's willingness to enterprise. Understanding accounting information systems will make it easier for students to do business. This research is quantitative research with data analysis techniques that are descriptive statistics. Purposive sampling was used as a sample-taking technique in this study, thus obtaining samples from as many as 203 people. The use of e-commerce, the expectation of profit, the understanding of accounting information systems, and the gender interest in entrepreneurship are higher among women than men. Students who have run a business have a higher understanding of information systems than students who have not yet started a business. Students who do not come from an entrepreneurial background have a higher interest in entrepreneurship than students who come from an entrepreneurial family background
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