An An Analysis Of Increasing The Ability To Use Financial Functions On Spreadsheets For Vocational Students
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The results of discussions and interviews with one of the Accounting department teachers at the Padang 3 State Business and Management Vocational School, it was found that teachers need to improve their competence regarding the use of spreadsheets (Microsoft Excel). Teachers are still not used to using spreadsheets for financial report analysis and include operating various menus and functions in spreadsheet applications. So the process of learning spreadsheet applications only revolves around the use of common mathematical formulas and functions. This affects the competency of vocational school graduates, especially those majoring in Accounting. The world of work requires that vocational school graduates be able to operate this application well. This community service activity is carried out using training methods and creating training modules and videos. Implementation is carried out through three stages, namely material presentation, integrated training, and evaluation. It is hoped that at the end of the activity, there will be an increase in participants' skills regarding the use of spreadsheets for financial report analysis. The output of the activity is modules, videos, publications in mass media, both print and online as well as publication of scientific articles in national journals.
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